2017 Industry Specific Predictions- Apparel and Footwear Producers and Respective Supply Chains

Thus far, we have posted deep-dives on the first nine of our 2017 Predictions for Industry and Global Supply Chains.  The one prediction remaining is our final Prediction Ten, which for each year, dives into what we foresee as unique industry-specific supply chain challenges or environments for the coming year. As Editor, I have also […]

2017 Industry Specific Predictions- Apparel and Footwear Producers and Respective Supply Chains

Thus far, we have posted deep-dives on the first nine of our 2017 Predictions for Industry and Global Supply Chains.  The one prediction remaining is our final Prediction Ten, which for each year, dives into what we foresee as unique industry-specific supply chain challenges or environments for the coming year. As Editor, I have also […]