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Technology Addressing the Convergence of Internet of Things and Smart Manufacturing

As a follow-up to Supply Chain Matters recent attendance and coverage of this year’s Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience Conference, we wanted to specifically follow-up on some sessions that addressed Internet of Things (IoT) enablement of future smart manufacturing, supply chain and service management business processes. Noted in many of our prior blog commentaries related […]

Even Newer Innovations in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Emerge

In his latest book, Thank You for Being Late, An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations, New York Times columnist and three-time Pulitzer Prize author Thomas Friedman brings forward the exponential wave of business innovation and computing technology that surrounds all of us today, what he terms as the “supernova” of forces. […]

Subpoenas Served on Ocean Container Shipping Line Executives

The Wall Street Journal reported today (Paid subscription required) that U.S. Justice Department investigators crashed an industry Box Club meeting held last week among 20 ocean container shipping firms and served subpoenas to top executives of several lines. According to the report, people cited as familiar with the investigation indicated that many of the CEO’s […]

The Implications of Brexit Grow Near but So Far for Industry Supply Chains

In a published Supply Chain Matters commentary in late June of last year, we explored our initial perspectives of the new term in geopolitical events, that of Brexit. By voting to exit the European Union, the British electorate set off a series of events that many continue to describe as unprecedented.  The most cited analogy […]

SAP Ariba & ConnXus to Drive Supply Chain Diversity

Finding diverse suppliers can be a challenge for buyers, and unlocking opportunities with large companies can be equally tough for small, minority-owned sellers, SAP Ariba and ConnXus are teaming up to change this.
