2016 UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper

The latest UPS Study shows avid online shoppers making more than half of their purchases with e-commerce, taking more control with smartphones, and technology is driving retailers to redefine their stores.

Critical Holiday Fulfillment Period is About to Begin and its All Hands on Deck

Next week officially kicks-off the holiday buying frenzy with the celebrations of the Thanksgiving Holiday in the United States as well as the Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping events that extend out to the following week. In its recent update on the U.S. online retail economy, analytical firm ComScore predicted that based on prior […]

Lean Manufacturing Driven by Technology Investment

Lean Manufacturing, allows a manufacturer can accurately and effectively calculate the optimal level of inventory needed to fulfill demand requirements through the duration of replenishment lead time.

Cross-Border Ecommerce

Cross-border e-Commerce brings all market participants on an even level playing field, no longer are global consumers only assessable by those having resources to deal with complications of global distribution or costly market expansion.

The Real Effects of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

HR and talent management professionals can make a positive contribution to their workplaces by rooting out and minimizing the unconscious biases that can undermine diversity efforts and recruiting and retention programs.
